Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

When people ask what I'm thankful for, I usually give the expected answers (Jesus, Family, Friends, Music). You know, the top of the list things. The ones I would mention in my acceptance speech at an awards show. Well below is a list of the little things I so often take for granted. So let the orchestra try to play me off the stage! I'm fighting through it and giving the little guy his due!

1. My Toothbrush
2. Air Conditioning
3. Underwear That Fits Properly
4. Caramel Macchiato's
5. Indoor Plumbing
6. Texas Monthly
7. College Football
8. Mexican Food
9. Working Lawn Equipment
10. Remote Control

Give Thanks.


At 5:47 PM, Blogger Lovell's Lookout said...

Bailey- Loveit!! Oh my how the list has changed from our earlier days of fast cars, Van Halen, and paisley suspenders!!! Now it's lawn equipment, sonograms, and diapers that don't leak... by the way.. I love Texas Monthly.. Kinky for Governor!!!


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