Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Billy Jack Rippy

Billy Jack Rippy.

Sounds like a character in an adventure novel doesn't it? Well, he was a character and he was full of adventure, but Billy Jack Rippy was not a work of fiction. Billy Jack Rippy was a friend of mine. He passed away last Thursday and I was honored to get to sing at his memorial service yesterday.

Because he was such a big supporter of youth sports when I was growing up, I saw his face everywhere when I was a kid. He coached, he volunteered, he cheered, jeered, encouraged and worked his tail off so kids like yours truly could experience the joy and drama and education one receives from playing sports. Looking back, I cannot imagine the hours he put in.

At some point when I was in high school I lost touch with him. A few years ago I walked into a room full of musicians and was recognized by Bill's wife Martha who plays the fiddle. The first time she and I shared the stage was the first time I saw Bill in nearly 20 years. When the gig was over, I stepped off the stage to greet my old friend. He saw me coming and yelled from across the theater in his uniquely gruff voice, "Boy, I didn't know you could sing like that!" Then he proceeded to put his arm around my shoulders, gather a crowd and brag about what a great basketball player I was. He remembered my playing days more favorably than I deserved, but I wasn't about to interrupt him.

I can't tell you how good that made me feel.

Just before the service started yesterday, I told that story to a friend of mine who was there to play bass. As people began to get up and tell their own "Billy" stories, I quickly realized they had all had similar experiences. They spoke lovingly about how Bill had made them feel so good about themselves. How he had cheered them up, cheered them on and then bragged about them to anyone who would listen.

Billy Jack Rippy: Lifter of chins, cheerleader to the underdog and chief trumpeter of other people's accomplishments.

Not a bad legacy, huh?


At 6:24 PM, Blogger Tiffany Todd said...

Billy Jack was my uncle. My grandmother is his sister. Anyway, I just wanted to say what a lovely post this is about him.
Tiffany Fitch


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