Wednesday, February 16, 2005

MRI - My Righteous Indignation

There have been moments in my life, not moments I'm proud of, but moments none the less when I have had feelings of disdain for what I perceived to be other people's weaknesses. The stressed out, the phobic, sometimes even the depressed. One of my best friends Brandon is deathly afraid of snakes. I must admit I have shown little sympathy to him about this. In fact, I've probably made references to him being womanly because of it. My own brother is somewhat claustrophobic, but has received from me small amounts of pity and never any compassion. You see, until you walk a mile in a man's shoes...

Today, for the first time in my life, I went to the hospital for an MRI. The kind technician explained the process to me and said it would take about 45 minutes to complete. He told me to lie still and try not to cough or swallow while they were shooting the pictures. I told him how laid back I was and that I would likely fall asleep in there. I lasted about 47 seconds. My heart began to race, I was having trouble breathing, and I HAD to get out of there! I began to wiggle my legs and call for help. Two men came running and rescued me. They were very nice and told me that it happens all the time and that I could reschedule if I needed to. I got a drink of water, settled myself, closed my eyes, said a prayer and went back in. They split my session into two parts with a "stretch break" in between and we got 'er done.

I was a little embarrassed, but mostly ashamed. I apologize for my past righteous indignation. I'm truly sorry if I have been less than kind to you about your own phobia.
Trust me, I have truly been humbled.


At 7:46 PM, Blogger Craig said...

Good, now you will not make fun of me for being afraid of bluegrass singers. Glad you made it through the MRI. LYLAS.

At 8:43 PM, Blogger Val said...

Actually, I fell asleep repeatedly during an MRI session and would move in my sleep. The technician in my case was not as understanding. I stayed awake long enough on the third try to get it over with. As far as my phobia? I am deathly afraid of Gary McCaleb. But isn't everyone?

At 10:15 AM, Blogger Brandon Scott Thomas said...

HA!! I love Gary Mc. Now listen here, Stevie--you didn't tell us what they found. What was the result? Look at it this way--the only thing worse in my mind would be to be stuck in there but with snakes crawling all over you. People who watch--or participate in that Fear Factor show are SICK.

At 11:31 PM, Blogger Lovell's Lookout said...

Bailey- I will take the MRI any day over the prostate check.

4 kids four and under have prevented me calling for lunch lately but things are smoothing out.. Miss you bro...
Good to see you are alive.. we must hook up.. Cell- 940-389-2481

P.S. Napoleon D Rules

At 11:32 PM, Blogger Lovell's Lookout said...

Bailey- I will take the MRI any day over the prostate check.

4 kids four and under have prevented me calling for lunch lately but things are smoothing out.. Miss you bro...
Good to see you are alive.. we must hook up.. Cell- 940-389-2481

P.S. Napoleon D Rules

At 2:31 PM, Blogger Stephen Bailey said...

Ty Lovell as I live and Breath! Expect a call from me. I NEED some Ty time! Great to hear from you.


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