It's Joel's fault really.
He started all this by giving me a book to read on giving.
Then we spent a couple of hours with Larry James at
Central Dallas Ministries talking about helping people and what it means to be a Franciscan Jesus follower.
Next came a series of lessons Joel gave on Jonah and caring for people you don't even like.
He followed that up by asking me about a time in my life when I was most passionate for God and got me talking about a time when I was in community with some guys who were struggling with homosexuality. I remembered how my stomach ached for these men, how I wept with them because I couldn't imagine what it was like to deal with that kind of thing and how I felt so dependent on God to show me how to love those guys.
Finally, during some quiet time I opened my Bible up to Amos and read about how God despised His people's assemblies because they were not really concerned about what He was (and is) concerned about: justice and loving others.
It all came to a head today as I listened to a song called
Let Us Be You on Zoe's latest CD,
In Christ Alone. I found myself weeping again as they sang these simple words:
Let us be You when a wounded soul cries out for hopeLet us be You when the lonely need to know they're not aloneI don't know who is reading this, but I need to tell you that you are not alone and there is hope.
Brian, you are not alone.
Craig, you're not alone.
Hey Crazy Jane, are you out there? You are not alone!
Dog, Fish, BST, you are not alone.
Wes, Allen, you are not alone.
I'm pretty thick headed sometimes, but I think God is trying to tell me something. Two things actually. 1) Open your eyes and let the people I created know that I love them. 2) Stephen, you are one of those people.