Camps and Cruises
I was honored to be part of the Royal Family Kids Camp again this summer. I spent last week with some beautiful kids and wonderful volunteers. We swam, played, prayed and sang our way through a fun week. My brother J. and I had the privilege of speaking and leading the songs at chapel everyday. Knowing that the campers have all had difficult lives to say the least, I think God hears their praises as beautiful choruses!
I have been constantly reminded this summer why God wants His people to be part of a church body. I have watched as so many have served my family during difficult times and last week I watched His bride at her very best. People took vacation time to serve these kids. When we were short a few counselors, the word went out and three people drove in from Knoxville, TN to Texas so 6 kids would not have to miss camp. At the end of the week when I told these people they were heroes, they pointed to the heavens with tears in their eyes, unable to speak, giving all glory to God!
My sisters family is on a cruise this week with their very good friends from Oklahoma. This was a trip planned well in advance of the accident which took their Connor's life two months ago. They were not sure if they would go, but decided to give it a try. My niece Bailey will have to maneuver around the boat in her wheelchair and they will all attempt to relax and have some fun, all the time feeling the emptiness of boarding the ship with one less passenger than they were supposed to.
Please pray for them this week. And remember all the Royal Family Kids and kids like them who are being tossed around by the waves of life. May they find their life boat in Jesus.