Monday, July 31, 2006

Royal Family Kids Camp

I've just returned from one of the most fun, heart breaking, encouraging, gut wrenching, exciting, tear jerking, rewarding weeks of my life. There is no way I can describe to you how God worked at Royal Family Kids Camp last week. RFKC is a camp for abused foster children. PLEASE check out and give of your time or money to a camp near you. If you live in North Texas, I encourage you to go to and contact Darren Edwards at Richland Hills Church of Christ and get involved.

I was blessed to lead worship for chapel everyday for these special kids that have experienced more sickness, hatred and hardship in their 6-11 years on this earth than I will ever know. I've been back in my own bed for three nights now and have dreamed about these precious children every night. Perhaps there will come a time when I can talk or blog about them without crying, but right now I can't imagine it.

I sent them home on Friday with mixed emotions. I missed my girls and was excited to see them, but it was difficult to let go of my camp kids.

They are all unique and beautiful and uniquely beautiful, but I grew especially close to a few. Please pray for my little friends Darien, Robert, Dakota, Michael, Michael and Brandon today. May God work in their lives to nourish the seed planted in their hearts last week.


At 8:06 AM, Blogger Joel said...

Stephen, your soft, Spirit hungry heart, is "royal" -- as in like our King.

Prisse God for using you powerfullu last week.

And the week before. And this week.


I love you Bro.

At 7:25 PM, Blogger Margaret K said...

Don't you just wish you could adopt them all? You have such a sweet spirit!

At 9:25 PM, Blogger Donny - MarketingTwin #2 said...

As a 7 year veteran of RFKC, I can tell you that having you there was incredibly special. In fact having so many of the Baileys there was a great experience for us all. You did great and your brother displayed his God-given talents in sharing God's beautiful message to these kids. I'll add Jim, Connan, Anthony and Shain to the list as well. Oh, and Grandma Rose was awesome!! Baa-baa, doo waa baa (or something like that!!)

At 12:47 PM, Blogger Amy C said...

God bless you for blessing those sweet children. My heart breaks for hurting children. What a gift God has given you to share with them. Thank you for pouring out living water.


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