Okay, enough about the Miami Heat, Rainey is more concerned about the Texas heat. Summer has arrived and it is hot! In fact, she decided it was too hot for her so she packed her bags with dress up dresses, grabbed her trusty pink poodle and favorite ear muffs and prepared to move "North to the Future" in Alaska. Good luck honey! You might want to save the boots and parka for after your actual arrival in "The Last Frontier."

On the other hand, Emily simply wants to travel across the room. She is in the beginning stages of figuring out how to crawl. That means she can get on her hands and knees and lunge herself forward about six inches at a time. It's not the fastest form of travel, but she seems to enjoy it.
Never a dull moment at my house and I wouldn't have it any other way. That's easy for me to say since I'm gone most of the day and get to come home to hugs and kisses. Stephanie does the grunt work and someday the girls are going to realize how incredibly blessed they are to have a mom like her.
Parenting is not always easy, but you know what they say, if you can't stand the heat...move to Alaska!
I thought it was if you can't stand the kitchen, find a church without one...?
Just a warning...you should never, EVER send me something as priceless as the email pic I got yesterday from you and not expect to see it again. LOVED IT!!!!!
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