I've lived in the Dallas/Fort Worth Texas area for most of my life. In my 36 years I have seen some incredible sports teams (Cowboys numerous Super Bowls, Stars Stanley Cup) and some laughable ones (Cowboys 1-15 season, Mavericks 11 win season, Rangers...well, almost every year). But nothing tops this years Mavericks run for me and I'll tell you why.
The Cowboys were winning Super Bowls before I was old enough to remember. The Stars didn't arrive in town until I was an adult. The Rangers, well God bless 'em! But it was a pretty exciting day 26 years ago for this 10 year old boy when Dallas (that's the city east of Fort Worth) started an NBA franchise.
I participated in Mavs contests, attended games and stayed up late many a night to watch them play the Lakers on TV.
I booed Kiki Vandeweghe, was frustrated by Norm Sonju and suffered through the inept coaching of John McLeod, Richie Adubato, Quinn Buckner and Jim Cleamons.
I tipped my hat to Donald Carter, tried to figure out Dick Motta and cursed Ross Perot, Jr.
I pretended I was Jim Spanarkel, Tom LaGarde, Rolando Blackman, Mark Aguirre, Sam Perkins, Brad Davis, Jay Vincent, Dale Ellis and Derek Harper.
I've seen more foreign players over the years than I would watching an entire season in Europe.
I watched the three J's (Jim Jackson, Jamal Mashburn and Jason Kidd) fail.
I laughed at Popeye Jones and Oliver Miller; cried tears of frustration over Roy Tarpley.
I wondered why God made Shawn Bradley 7'6" and didn't even make me 6'6".
I appreciated Michael Finley, marveled at Steve Nash and fell in love with a big German kid named Dirk Nowitzki.
And that's why, for my money, should the little Mavericks go on to win the NBA Championship this year, it will be the greatest championship to come to this area ever. Because I'm an MFFL (Mavs Fan For Life) - Literally.
Thanks Mark. Thanks Avery.