Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Traveling Mercies

Anne Lamott is kicking my butt! Of course she might not put it that nicely. For years I have heard references to her work, so I finally picked up a copy of Traveling Mercies and it's killing me! I'm either crying, laughing hysterically or driving my wife crazy with "hmmmm's" and "ahhhh's." I've read a good bit of it out loud to her so she could get a feel for why I'm reacting so strongly.

Lamott, or Annie as I like to call her now, has an enviable relationship with God. Agree with her theology or not, appreciate her language or not, she is intimately known by her Father and now so many others because of her stark honesty. Her personal story is interesting to say the least and her thoughts on matters of faith (especially forgiveness) are inspiring.

I was reading a section today where she talked about coming to grips with her own beauty. She was not a classically beautiful young woman and she found herself in her forties still paying way too much attention to her ever widening and sagging parts. But she found beauty in growing older. She learned to see herself the way God sees her. What a gift!

So many times we, to quote Stephen Sondheim, "see all the parts and none of the whole." God cares about the parts (hairs on your head and all that), but He sees the whole package and not only loves us anyway, but celebrates us as His grand creation!

I'm about 60 pages from finishing Traveling Mercies and I'm already looking forward to a re-read. I had a teacher who used to tell me to read things three times for comprehension. It will be a pleasure.


At 8:05 AM, Blogger julie said...

Stephen, I loved Traveling Mercies. Anne Lamott is amazing and would be so fascinating to meet in person. I think that we would be good friends.

At 9:41 AM, Blogger Amy C said...

Too bad I don't know how to read!

At 3:58 PM, Blogger Brandon Scott Thomas said...

Traveling Mercies is one of my all time favorite books. How many other conversion stories do you know of where the "f" bomb is dropped?

At 7:43 PM, Blogger LeeAnn said...

I had no idea that you never read Traveling Mercies. I have read it twice and I know I would love it again. She fascinates me. I remember when she decided to get her dreadlocks (sp?) after fighting her unconventional hair for most of her life...for some reason that just struck many things I've always wanted to change about me...not able to understand that God finds me captivating (another great book!)I also love her relationship with her church...So glad you are reading it.

At 10:46 AM, Blogger judy thomas said...

I can't believe it took you so long to read this wonderful book. Like you, she made me want to lie down on the carpet and laugh my head off and then in the next sentence to weep buckets of tears.
I am sorry to say I did not enjoy her latest book as much.

At 2:12 PM, Blogger Beaner said...

I loved her too. It was refreshingly real. I believe she has a blog too. (I should probably check before i write that, but I'm too lazy to go back.)

At 10:24 AM, Blogger Stephen Bailey said...

I think you may be Anne Lamott! I've never seen the two of you in the same chat room. Coincidence? I think not.


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