Friday, February 24, 2006


Here's what I learned about friends this week. Some of you may recognize yourselves as the ones who taught me these truths.

Friends tell you the truth even when it's difficult to hear.
Friends trust you with their ugliest side.
Friends will drive 5 hours to spend 2 hours with you.
Friends spend all morning preparing a meal so you can enjoy a quick lunch.
Friends share joys, sorrows and fears.
Friends feel awful when they let you down.
Friends forgive you when you let them down.
Friend can physically move far away, but they are never really very far at all.

This list could go on and on. These are simply the things that were modeled for me this week. I hope you are blessed with friends like these. They are priceless.


At 7:47 PM, Blogger Brandon Scott Thomas said...

and...sometimes friends can understand everything you're going through without really making sense of the explanation. You are one of God's greatest gifts to me.

At 8:53 PM, Blogger Craig said...

friends love you when you do dumb things
they make you laugh
they text message, call and email
they cry when you cry
they make you realized how blessed you are


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