Do you have any idea how difficult it is to communicate clearly? There are so many variables involved in the process, most of them non-verbal variables. Teachers and preachers and politicians know this all to well. So do teenagers, parents, spouses, bosses, salespeople and bloggers. Try as we might, our messages are invariably misunderstood.
Communication is frustrating and sometimes dangerous. My wife has punched me in the arm on numerous occasions over a misunderstanding. Businesses, marriages and friendships have failed because of poor or lacking communication.
I have a degree in communication. Yes, I was made sport of for earning this degree until I entered the business world and met people who could read a spreadsheet but couldn't write or speak well enough to lead a girl scout troupe. I quickly learned to read a spreadsheet while they struggled mightily, and usually failed to become good communicators.
I encourage you all, for the greater good, do not let yourself be deluded into the belief that communication is something of no great significance, or that it is an easy matter. It is difficult and of utmost importance and effects everything we do.
In the words of author and engineer Norman Augustine, "Simply stated, it is sagacious to eschew obfuscation."
True that.