Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Super Blaster Fire Peanut Girl

When it comes to female super hero's, I tend to kick it old school as the kids say. Wonder Woman, the female half of the Wonder Twins and my two favorites from the same series, Bat Girl and Cat Woman are the best. I rank Cat Woman #1 because she was bad, but had a soft spot for the good guys and let's face it, she was H-O-T HOT! These days I dig the female Incredibles and Lava Girl is okay, but they can't touch those 1960's and '70's funkadelic super beauties.

Yesterday my daughter informed me that she is actually a super hero with formidable super powers. Her name? Super Blaster Fire Peanut Girl. Rolls right off the tongue doesn't it? I'm not sure what all powers she possesses, but I do know she can blast fire from her finger tips and she is a strong kicker. Perhaps the "peanut" part refers to her diminutive size. I just hope she will use those powers for good and not be tempted to join the dark side.

I also hope she will use them to protect her younger sibling from harm in the future. Stephanie had another sonogram today and it appears we have an active kid on our hands. He (and I'm only using the male pronoun here because Rainey thinks it's a boy, we don't plan to find out early) played lasso with the umbilical cord, waved to us and gave us a somewhat sarcastic salute. Do you think I'm reading a bit too much into it? Anyway, the doctor measured him at 13 weeks and 6 days which is farther along than we thought, but it's not an exact science. We'll welcome him sometime after the New Year.

In the mean time, I'll keep myself busy working on a theme song for Rainey.

If you are in danger or there's trouble in your world,
Have no fear, she is here,
Super Blaster Fire Peanut Girl!


At 11:55 AM, Blogger Brandon Scott Thomas said...

Excuse me....what does this mean..."we don't plan to find out early"??? Does that mean not before 20 weeks? Because I WILL call that doctor. I WILL.

At 12:26 PM, Blogger Craig said...

I will find out and let you know, BST.

At 7:58 PM, Blogger LeeAnn said...

I had the joy of spending some time with Super Blaster Fire Peanut Girl this week...she is obviously a super hero. Her skills include beautiful singing (she even did a few 80's hits for Aunt Lee Ann), an awesome imagination and the ability to charm her 8 year old big cousin Reagan and getting him to do anything she wanted...that is a power I have never seen!


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