The Ten Tenors
Stephanie and I were blessed with two tickets to see The Ten Tenors at the Majestic Theatre in downtown Dallas last night. If you are not familiar with The Ten Tenors, they are ten Australian, classically trained tenors who perform everything from classical opera "with the boring bits taken out" to Australian folk music to the Bee-Gee's and the Beach Boys to my personal favorite of the evening, Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody. I have to be honest here, these were $50 tickets that were given to us. I'm not sure I thought the show was worth $50 per ticket. However, it only cost us $5 for parking and another $7 for post-show Starbucks and it was certainly worth that.
After the show we were discussing our favorite parts and participating in some Starbucks induced dreaming about life in general when Stephanie said something about how much fun those boys looked like they were having up there on stage and how that was so infectious. It's true. They did goofy dances and joked with the audience and with each other and we all had a fun time together. They were not forcing it or faking it, they were genuinely having a good time and the audience did too. In fact, I'd probably pay more than $5 to see them again.
Then I thought, what if The Ten Tenors came onstage and instead of doing their show, they stood before the audience and tried to describe the show and tried to convince the audience of how much fun it was and how beautiful their voices are. What if they said in a boring tone, "We sing and dance and joke and it's wonderful. Is anyone having fun yet?" And then they proceeded to just sit there and there was no other interaction with each other or with the audience. Or worse, what if they began to seriously argue with each other about how they should sit on stage or about Sponge Bob's sexuality and began to hate one another based on their individual opinions about meaningless things? How uncomfortable would that be for the audience? Who would pay $5 for parking to see that? Who would even show up if it was free?
But, I digress. That would never happen, right? That's just plain ridiculous. Check out The Ten Tenors at