Monday, May 21, 2007

New Words

This weekend on NPR I heard a list of new words that will most likely not make it into the dictionary. These were my three favorites that I'm trying to work into my own limited vocabulary.

destinesia (noun) : a disease in which one enters another room/area and forgets what they came for.

Although he marched angrily and purposefully into the room, the moment he stepped in from underneath the door, he had destinesia and forgot for what he had come.

Molassochist (noun) : One who derives pleasure from making processes painfully slow.

I went to the DMV today to get my licenses and the guy was such a Molassochist.

flatuglance (noun) : The glance given by someone who recognizes that someone in his or her's presence has farted.

While on the elevator, he recognized someone's flatuglance as he tried to determine who had passed gas.

See if you can work these into a conversation or spelling bee. Or send me your own new words.


At 7:16 AM, Blogger Joel said...


You probably already know these, but since they were so closely connected to your new words, I thought I'd suggest them.

ohcrap(noun) : the realization when one enters another room/area/next door office at church and forgets what they came for.

Joel walked into Stephen's office and said, ohcrap, I forgot for what he had come.

Elder (noun) : One who derives pleasure from making processes painfully slow.

I went to a meeting today to get something done and the guys were such elders.

flatugiggle (noun) : The little giggle given by someone who recognizes that someone in his or her's presence has farted.

While on the elevator, he recognized someone's flatugiggle as he tried to determine who had passed gas.

At 4:44 PM, Blogger Amy C said...

I love the new words. I hope I can make you proud this week by using them all!


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