Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Most of All, I Love Me!

My daughter Rainey is in that stage where she can recognize letters and sometimes sound out words, but she can't really read yet. She does, however, have many of her books memorized.

The other night she "read" to me from a book that her Aunt Lee Ann made for her when she was born. It's called "Who Loves Rainey?" Each page has a picture of Grandparents or Aunts and Uncles or Cousins or Parents on it. The caption below the picture has their name and says they love Rainey. "Uncle J. and Aunt Laurie love Rainey!", "Hutton loves Rainey!", "Big Daddy and Gran love Rainey!" You get the idea. So it's easy to "read" because Rainey recognizes the pictures.

But when she got to the last page the picture was of her. The caption says, "But most of all, Jesus loves Rainey!" She paused when she saw that these words were different, so I helped get her started by saying, "But most of all..." and with all the confidence in the world she said, "I love me!"

Cute story until I stopped to think about it.

Bottom line: In my life it's true far too often.


At 10:50 AM, Blogger Amy C said...

I love Rainey. That is such a great idea. I have been planning on doing that for a low cost Christmas present. Thanks for spuring on the creativitiy with the touching captioning.


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