Monday, October 16, 2006

Nuclear Rights

As a person who lives in the United States, it worries me that North Korea apparently has successfully tested a nuclear weapon. While Kim Jong Il doesn't strike me as the most stable guy in the world, he and I do seem to share a love of basketball. Word has it he's a big NBA fan. Ironically, his hatred of the Western World only reaches as far as its people and ideologies. He loves the food and entertainment choices. I like to picture him sitting on his Pottery Barn couch eating a Big Mac while giggling at a Seinfeld re-run waiting for the Laker game to start.

Anyway, in an attempt to put myself in someone else's shoes, I wonder how I would feel if I lived in North Korea and was being told by countries who have nuclear weapons that I couldn't have one. Might I be worried then?

Bottom line, it's not that I want North Korea to have a nuclear weapon, I wish nobody had one. But that's not the world we live in. No, we live in a world where billions of dollars are spent not only to defend ourselves, but also to entertain ourselves while children die because they can't afford a 20 cent immunization. That not only worries me, it breaks my heart.


At 1:11 PM, Blogger Brandon Scott Thomas said...

I think you should send Kim Jong the mp3 of the song about the blind girl. I LOVED IT!!!! See...your deal is you're just way, way, waaaaaay too creative and genius for the rest of us. I've always thought so!

Will miss you Thursday night when Fish is here. And...I really hope the film fest thing works out because I am flying into DFW on Th and riding with you. HA!


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