Yesterday I was dropping Rainey off at her Grandparents house on my way to a meeting about leading a special night of worship at a church I do not attend. There was a Zoe CD playing in my car and Rainey asked, "Is that you singing or are those professionals?" I told her it was Mr. Brandon and his group and they were indeed professionals. I also told her that some people considered me a professional. She told me that I was just a church leader, but then she sensed that she might have hurt my feelings, so she took my arm and said, "I don't care if you are a church leader, a trained helper or a conductor. Your best job is being my Daddy and you are the best Daddy in the world." Yea, I'm pretty tightly wrapped around that finger.
This morning I made my usual stop at 7-11 for some coffee. I'm there so often I think I get it for free more often than I pay for it. My friend Ray (actually it's Mahmood Rabbani, but you can call him Ray) who is Pakistani and a Muslim was working. We often discuss religion and politics if the store is not too busy. Usually that is early on Sunday mornings when I'm on my way to church which is a pretty good way to prepare to lead worship. Anyway, Ray told me a couple of weeks ago that his wife is in Pakistan right now working and won't be back until April. I asked him about her today. Ray said that the whole Mohammad Cartoon uproar had made things a little dangerous but she was okay. Then he said something profound:
"If the prophet (Mohammad) were here today, he would tell everyone to just let it go. There is a proverb that says, 'The dogs will bark, but the caravan continues down the road.'"I confessed to Ray that so often it is the same with Christians. We react in such unChrist-like ways sometimes and if Jesus were here He would tell us to forgive and turn the other cheek and serve and love.
Ray agreed and gave me my coffee for free.