Happy Blog Anniversary!
Yesterday my friend Craig Fisher celebrated his one year anniversary of blogging. To commemorate this milestone, he posted his very first blog entry. Well I started blogging the day after Fish, so I thought I'd follow his lead. Here is what I wrote one year ago today as I entered the blog world:
Why I Write
When I was in college, I took an English class in which we studied a book called Eight Modern Essayists. I loved the class and remember reading an essay by Joan Didion called "Why I Write." She encouraged the reader to say those words out loud, why...I...write. When you say them aloud the sound you hear is I...I...I. Why I Write. I, I, I. How conceded of us to think that anyone else would have any interest whatsoever in what we have to say. And yet here I am, marching into the land of the blog.
I will not blog daily as I have not the fortitude for it, but I hope those of you who see this will at least have to wonder about me, possibly re-evaluate me and at best get to know me pretty well. I like to laugh, I cry at Hallmark commercials, I love musical theatre AND sports, I have been married to the same woman for nearly nine years, we have a 3 year old daughter, and try as they might, my parents did not ruin my life. In fact, I have a fairly healthy relationship with them to this day.
That may not make me sound unique, but read it again in the context of our current culture and I think you'll find out that I am freakish.
Happy blogging! I look forward to future weirdness and truth.
It's been quite a year. Steph and I are headed toward out tenth anniversary, Rainey is four and she has a little sister (Emily Rose) now. I still enjoy blogging and I look forward to your comments whenever you feel inspired to leave one.
I've come to know some of you I might never have known if not for this silly blog thing. I've managed to reconnect with old friends and keep track of others who have wandered out of my daily life. Best of all, I've leaned on you when the road became difficult and I've felt your concern and prayers when I needed them the most. Thank you for all of that.
Here's to another year of weirdness and truth!