Last night I received a phone call from someone who needed, no I take that back,
wanted a favor. I receive those calls a lot at my office, but this lady had somehow laid her hands on my cell phone number. It really put me in an awkward position. The only way to help her was to leave my family that I had barely seen in two days, get money out of my account and be gone for the next two hours. This was not a life or death situation. It was sad and difficult, but again more of a want than a need. I had the money. I own a car. I was capable of helping, but I was EXTREMELY frustrated that she had my cell number. After some thought, I gave her a couple of alternative options to
me helping her at that
very moment, but I didn't hear back from her.
That got me to thinking. Not what would Jesus do to help that lady, but what would Jesus do with His cell phone? Would He turn it off at night? Would He only answer calls from recognized numbers? Would He think the world was going to come to an end if He were unreachable for a few hours? Would He go up on the mountain to be alone and throw His phone into the Sea of Galilee?
I mean, I love technology (but not as much as you, you see. But, still I love technology), but I feel trapped by it. I have become a slave to my phone and my computer! It's like a bad sci-fi movie! My printer that keeps jamming is laughing at me behind my back! The World Wide Web Wizard is controlling my life from behind a fire wall somewhere!
I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore! Are you with me?
If so, shoot me a text message or an email and let me know. Or call me on my cell at home tonight. Talk to you soon!