Yesterday marked the big 5, the half decade, all the fingers on one hand for my Sweet Baby Girl, Rainey. We actually celebrated the event last week with her traditional two parties (one for kid friends, one for adult friends). Big Daddy and Gran made it down from Idaho and we all enjoyed a pool party at my brothers house complete with two favorite presents: an inflatable water slide and an inflatable jet ski that you can ride in the pool.
It was a blessing that Big Daddy (Steph's dad) was able to make the trip as he continues to recuperate from surgery. He's doing great! Em was under the

weather too, but enjoyed relaxing with him.
It was also a big year for Polly Pockets (I believe the count of tiny dolls and tinier accessories all over my house is somewhere in the neighborhood of 1,000,006) and music. We are all enjoying a set of percussion instruments, a sax-a-flute and a karaoke machine. Yeah, it's nothing but peace and quiet at my house!
As for the birthday girl? Well, for those of you who know Rainey, you know she is not easy to describe. That's one of the reasons I love her. She is beautiful like her mom,

weird like her dad and has a free spirit that we hope is never tamed. She has her own sense of style and feels no need to do something just because everyone else is doing it. She asks a lot of questions about how the world works, considers it and then marches off to the beat of her own percussion instrument. I marvel at her creativity, laugh at her silliness and simply can't take my eyes off her.

Happy birthday Rain, being your dad is one of the greatest adventures I could ever imagine. Secret Best, don't tell mom, I love you!