Christmas Angels and Babes in Toyland
Here are my two little Christmas angels! So sweet and loving.

Gentle musings of a former life composer learning to improvise or confessions of a recovering Pharisee.
Here are my two little Christmas angels! So sweet and loving.
Friday night he girls and I helped out with the annual "Country Strings" recital our local Junior College puts on every semester. It's become somewhat of a tradition as we've participated in some form or fashion every semester for the last 5 years. Rainey started when she was 2 and has sung and danced in several shows. Emily was set to make her debut last semester, but fell asleep before her cue and didn't make it onto the stage with the other kids.
Thanks to director Diane Enger for not only putting up with it, but attempting to jump in and accompany Emily on the piano.
The theme this semester was Texas music, so Diane asked me to sing a Buddy Holly medley (hence the glasses) and Rainey and Em danced a bit. Nice poodle skirts, but that bow is out of control!
Thanks to our friend Dorothy Bullock for these pictures (our camera was not working) and to Diane for inviting us to play again this semester.
Keep Rainey in your prayers as she prepares to open as Wendy in her class production of Peter Pan and as a spider and toy soldier in a production of Babes in Toyland. That girl loves the theatre! While filling out an information sheet about herself for school this weekend, she arrived at the question, "What is your favorite sport?" She turned to me and asked, "Dad, is musical theatre a sport?" Maybe Emily will be my basketball player.