Christmas Is...
Rainey performed in her first non-school show at the Life Song Theater. The show, Christmas Is..., was a musical adaptation of a children's book called The Christmas Lizard. In the story, a lizard learns about the meaning of Christmas by climbing a Christmas tree and meeting the ornaments. Rainey danced as a sugar plum fairy and sang as a school girl. She did a wonderful job and had a fantastic time doing it. I think she may have caught the theater bug...can't imagine how that could happen : )
The cast (Rainey is right in the middle) of older kids doted on Rainey and her young friends and lavished them with attention. Rainey loved going to rehearsals just to hang out with them. Her favorite part of the experience, however, was signing autographs after each performance. If you'd like one just ask, she'll be more than happy to oblige her adoring fans.
Rainey (on the left) with new theater friends.
Rainey and her two friends Ashlyn and Trinity dance as Sugar Plums with Miss Amber.
The three amigos!
The cast takes a more natural pose.
Rainey and her two friends Ashlyn and Trinity dance as Sugar Plums with Miss Amber.
The cast takes a more natural pose.
Rehearsals and performances kept us busy, but overall Christmas Is... was a great experience. I have a strong feeling there will be more performances to come.