Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Man's Supreme Endeavors

I visited a church recently whose stated purpose was to connect people to Jesus and to each other. I like that idea. It's simply stated and easy to understand, but sometimes difficult to do. The late 19th and early 20th century philosopher G.E. Moore said it like this:

"The appreciation of beauty and the need for personal relationships are man's supreme endeavors."

Moore was a common sense philosopher. I know nothing about his personal beliefs about God, but I agree with his statement. Nothing is more beautiful than God's creation and the story of what He has done for us through Jesus Christ. He created us not only to appreciate His beauty, but also to reflect it and to do so in community.

One of the most life giving things for me is to sit with people who care deeply about beautiful things and to discuss and enjoy them together. Sometimes the topic is art or theatre or music, sometimes nature, sometimes Jesus.

I would like G.E. Moore to be the worship coordinator at my church. A church where we meet together to appreciate beauty and form personal relationships and then reflect that beauty in the world. Man's supreme endeavors indeed.


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