Friday, February 03, 2006

Ups and Downs

Stephanie and I are trying to get used to the idea of raising two girls. It could be as Kim Possible says, "So the drama!"

We are praying for wisdom and that we will simply enjoy the ride and trust God to help us through the ups (spit ups, hiccups, bra cups and breakups) and downs (put downs, let downs, show downs and hair pulling throw downs).

We covet your prayers as we begin this great adventure.


At 2:40 PM, Blogger Beaner said...

You are in trouble, man! Your girls are beautiful!!!! May you always have for them:

1. A cup of coffee & time to talk
2. Arms open wide
3. Kleenex
4. Prayers
5. Words that consistently build them up

Happy Adventure!

At 10:36 PM, Blogger julie said...

Stephen, I know that you already know this but I will throw in my experience here. The most important thing you can do is lead them to Jesus and the next thing is to help them be body, mind, spirit and confidence. The rest is just peripheral.

At 11:58 AM, Blogger SG said...

You know you're the Dad of a girl when you start quoting Kim Possible, although I thought it was "So not the drama."
You'll be great!

At 6:24 PM, Blogger Deb said...

You are ALL gorgeous, but the balance is a tad lop-sided at 3-to-1. It could be worse -- my uncle had FIVE daughters and lived near the US Air Force Academy in Colo Spgs.

I love and endorse Beaner's advice! Just do lots of push-ups and pull-ups to strengthen those little pinkies of yours, so that when all those eye-lashes start batting around, and all the young men start to fall out of the woodwork you will be wrapped up in Godly wisdom and fortified with bucket loads of common sense. :)

But until then, just enjoy those little girl voices while they're still little. I wish I could be around to hear them sing (I bet they both have your sweet pipes!).

I am so thrilled Stephanie and Emily Rose are well. What a bundle of precious blessings you have!


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